Carlin gold target encompassing a window of lower-plate carbonates exposed within a regional anticline.

The 214-claim Callaghan project is located on BLM ground in the Toiyabe Range, approximately twenty kilometres northeast of Austin, NV and fifty kilometres southwest of the Cortez district, within the Callaghan lower-plate window.
The Callaghan project is a Carlin-type gold target comprising lower-plate carbonates and siliciclastics exposed within a regional anticline. Anomalous gold, arsenic, antimony, mercury and thallium occur within decalcified dirty carbonates and jasperoid breccias which extend along a strike length of 7.5 kilometres. Historic percussion drilling at the intersection of a major fault termination with an anticlinal fold hinge intercepted shallow Carlin mineralization and bottomed in long intervals of strongly anomalous pathfinder geochemistry . Historic drillholes had total depths of 100 metres or less and have never been followed up. Additional Carlin targets on the property exist where the Ordovician Goodwin Limestone, an important ore host in the nearby Cortez district, sits under shallow alluvial cover in the core of a regional anticline, and where favorable lower-Cambrian lithologies intersect an interpreted deep-seated basement fault.
Pan American Silver (formerly Yamana Gold) funded two summers of exploration at the Callaghan project (2021-2022) advancing the asset to a drill ready stage. Orogen completed detailed mapping, rock and soil sampling, a LiDAR survey and a gravity survey which have defined three drill ready targets designed to test structural-stratigraphic intersections prospective for Carlin mineralization. With the acquisition of Yamana completed, Pan American Silver made a strategic decision to exit US exploration programs.