We strive to minimise our impact on the environment by undertaking each exploration program with minimal disturbance.
Orogen carries out progressive reclamation of surface disturbance activities such as the establishment of camps, drilling, trenching and access construction:-
Disturbed sites are left free of refuse and re-seeded (where applicable) to encourage re-vegetation.
Drill sites are, to the extent possible, restored to their original contours and re-seeded to facilitate revegetation.
Drill cuttings collected in sump are backfilled, restored to their original contours and re-seeded (where applicable).
Rehabilitated access roads are restored to their pre-existing condition and are re-seeded to encourage re-vegetation. Erosion-prevention measures are installed on new access roads and are also re-seeded to encourage re-vegetation, unless local stakeholders prefer to keep the roads open for their own use.
Orogen’s goal is to create, nurture and support a diverse workforce and environment. The Board of Directors and management takes full ownership of the Company’s approach to diversity, inclusion and their outputs. The Company’s aim is to attract and retain talent that have an appropriate mix of diversity, skill and expertise. All appointments are based on merit, experience, skill and contribution with due consideration given to the benefits of diversity.
Community Engagement
Having active exploration projects in Mexico, U.S. and Canada means building relationships with a wide range of people. People are identified based on their traditional territory, their technical capability and their extent of interest for information and involvement.
We value the trust and respect of the communities where we work, and to the extent possible, we support local engagement in the form of services and labour.
Engagement varies greatly with each project. Traditional knowledge and archeological surveys may be included as part of the engagement process. Engagement is tailored to the needs of the communities and varies from regular updates of activities to formal meetings and presentations. -
Health & Safety
The exploration side of our business encounters a range of potential hazards. The most common risks at this stage are transportation related to and from an exploration program, drilling operations, field operations (slips, falls, forest fires, wildlife encounters), aircraft operations and security (depending on the jurisdiction).
At Orogen, we use safety training, daily risk assessments and toolbox meetings, incident and near miss reporting as ways to assess, prevent, and where possible eliminate, potential risks to the health and safety of our workers. We promote a culture of health and safety that flows from management to field crews. Every member is empowered to take charge of their own health and safety as well as for fellow team members.
We measure our health and safety performance and participate in industry forums and surveys as a baseline for continuous improvement.