Royalty Summary
Orogen holds a 0.5% NSR royalty with no buydown on the Spruce Mountain (renamed Paramount) project owned and operated by Conquest Mining LLC: https://conquestminingllc.com/projects/paramount/
Project Overview and History
The Spruce Mountain project consists of 28 claims in two groups located in Elko County Nevada approximately 550 kilometres east of Reno. The property contains a number of intrusion related targets related to Eocene dykes and Carlin targets in Paleozoic carbonates distal to the intrusive.
Renaissance Gold (Orogen’s predecessor) completed three seasons of drilling between 2011 and 2014 with an option partner Summit Mining Exploration Inc (a subsidiary of Sumitomo Corporation). In total over 9,700 metres was drilling in 33 holes targeting both the porphyry (up to 58 metres at 0.06% Mo) and Carlin mineralization (15 metres at 217 ppb gold).
In June 2014, Summit left the option agreement with Renaissance and the project was subsequently dropped.
Transaction Summary
In January 2022, Orogen traded a historic database covering a five square-kilometre AOI in the Spruce Mountain region for a 0.5% NSR on Conquest Nevada’s current Paramount Project claims and any future acquisitions within the AOI.
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