Royalty Summary
Orogen holds a 1.5% NSR royalty with no buydown on the Cuprite project owned and operated by Strikepoint Gold Inc: https://strikepointgold.com/cuprite/.
Project Overview and History
The 4,468-hectare Cuprite gold project is located in Nevada, fifteen kilometres south of Goldfield. Cuprite is a district-scale opportunity with over twenty square-kilometres of advanced argillic alteration constituting one of the largest steam-heated cells in the Walker Lane. The alteration cell is split by Highway 95 with the western cell developed over Cambrian basement and the eastern cell, the principal focus of the Cuprite project developed over Miocene and Oligocene tuffs.
Within the eastern cell, alteration vectors eastward towards shallow gravel cover with cinnabar (and mercury-in-soil anomalism), residual silica and powdery silica all observed proximal to the eastern limit of outcrop. Favorably oriented faults, related to the Miocene Stonewall caldera, project into the shallow gravel cover, and constitute highly prospective feeder structures untested by drilling.
Cuprite is an analog to AngloGold Ashanti’s Silicon deposit, which was originally identified by Orogen’s exploration team in 2014 and where Orogen and Altius hold a 1% NSR royalty and a 1.5% NSR royalty, respectively. Like Cuprite, Silicon displays an extensive, strongly developed, steam heated alteration zone at surface with anomalous mercury and cinnabar, as well as sharing a similar geological and structural setting.
Transaction Summary
In September 2022, Orogen announced the acquisition of the Cuprite Epithermal Gold project via staking.
In January 2023, Orogen sold 100% of its interest in the Cuprite gold project to a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Strikepoint Gold Inc. in exchange for a 1.5% NSR. Pursuant to the terms of a generative alliance agreement between Altius Minerals Corporation and Orogen as previously announced September 12, 2022, proceeds from the sale of Cuprite will be split evenly between the Alliance whereby each party will receive 3,214,285 shares and a 1.5% NSR royalty.
Recent Activities
In early 2024, Strikepoint completed a 3100-metre reverse-circulation drill program on the Cuprite epithermal property. The encouraging results confirmed gold bearing mineralization below the mercury bearing residual silica cap at surface. Alteration mineralogy will be used to vector into targets for a future phase of drilling.
March 2024: https://strikepointgold.com/strikepoint-begins-drilling-on-the-cuprite-gold-project-walker-lane-nevada/
April 2023: https://strikepointgold.com/strikepoint-files-technical-report-on-cuprite-gold-project/