Untested high-sulphidation epithermal target in the Walker Lane

The approximately seventeen square kilometre Pearl String project currently consists of 201 claims on land managed by the BLM in Mineral County, Nevada within the prolific Walker Lane trend.
The Pearl String project is prospective for high-sulphidation epithermal gold deposits. The project area encompasses the northwestern margin of a 25-kilometre-long zone of magmatic hydrothermal alteration that has been dismembered by post-mineral right-lateral strike-slip faults. The southeastern margin of the zone hosts the Isabella Pearl Mine, one of Nevada’s newest heap leach gold operations.
Orogen envisions a structural target at Pearl String based on a new reconstruction of post-mineral faulting that leverages observations from recent drilling. Our technical team believes that the Chukar Ridge area, which displays strong alteration and up to 12 g/t gold in rock chips, has been displaced by post-mineral dextral and normal offsets. Restoration of fault motion suggests that the central core of mineralization lies to the northwest beneath post-mineral alluvial cover. This area of post-mineral cover is surrounded by outcrops of argillic alteration as well as geochemical anomalism in surface samples and drilling. Magnetic and gravity lows within this area are consistent with the possibility of high-sulphidation style advanced argillic alteration at depth. The size of the target area is permissive of a multi-million-ounce discovery analogous to the nearby Paradise Peak deposit or the Salares Norte deposit in Chile.
The property was previously optioned to Barrick Gold (2022 to 2024) who completed a ten-hole, approximately 3,000 metre drill program in two fences testing a magnetic low to the south of Orogen’s structural target. All the holes intersected alteration and pathfinder geochemistry indicative of the peripheries of a high-sulphidation epithermal system and provided important constraints on the geometry of post-mineral faults. Orogen’s main target remains untested.