Carlin gold targets within classic lower plate host stratigraphy.
The 153-claim Raven project is located approximately thirty kilometres northwest of Austin on BLM ground within an area of lower plate Paleozoic rocks exposed in a window through the Roberts Mountain Thrust.
The Raven project is a Carlin-type gold target containing windows of prospective lower plate carbonate host rocks beneath a faulted and folded Roberts Mountain thrust. The southern claim block covers a gold-mineralized body hosted by an upper-plate Ordovician calcareous siltstone. Thirty-six drill holes have tested this target with intercepts up to 9.96 grams per tonne gold over three metres. The lower plate target below this gold cell remains largely untested. The northern claim block at Raven has seen limited exploration. Recent mapping by Orogen geologists combined with conodont ages have refined the stratigraphy and identified favorable lower plate horizons in multiple locations. Soil samples taken at Raven display extensive gold, arsenic, antimony and mercury anomalies within the upper plate, and multiple shallow lower-plate drill targets exist below these anomalies.
Pan American Silver (formerly Yamana Gold) funded two summers of exploration at the Raven project (2021-2022) advancing the asset to a drill-ready stage. Orogen completed a program of detailed stratigraphic and structural mapping, soil sampling and a gravity survey that in combination have defined four drill-ready Carlin targets within classic lower plate host stratigraphy under the Roberts Mountain thrust. With the acquisition of Yamana completed, Pan American Silver made a strategic decision to exit US exploration programs.